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  • 联 系 人:陈柏诚
  • 联系电话:076****677101;226****1;
  • 联系地址:东莞市东城外经工业园 [查看地图]
当前位置: 东莞德利家具制品有限公司 > 机构简介

    东莞德利家具制品有限公司(RICSSON INTERNATIONAL LTD.)座落于环境优美、交通便利的东方家具之都东莞市,位于珠江三角洲交通枢纽中心。
Ricsson international Co. Ltd., located in Dongguan city which is the transportation center of the Pearl River Delta, China.
We are a professional manufacture of contemporary furniture with design, produce and sales ability. The hot line product is office chair, sofa, recliner…..etc. We can also produce in accordance with customer's sample.
Ricsson not only has a input in equipment but also pay attention on the training. Have experienced furniture designers who can dispose your ideal product according to your intention and request. We also have a lot of employees with knowledge, well-known production and management. Strong technology, high-end equipment, strict production management, strict raw material purchase, precision works give us a guarantee of high quality product for Ricsson.